
Very Unique Art is the online home of mother and daughter, Irina and Elana Kopelevich.


Irina is an artist originally from Riga, Latvia, but has been based in Denver, Colorado since 1980. Irina paints primarily with a mixture of tempera and ink wash, and watercolors. She has also created numerous works with the simplicity of a charcoal pencil, as well as a variety of mixed mediums. She has been featured in Hadassah Magazine and is a member of the Colorado Watercolor Society. Her work has been exhibited in many galleries, including Siempre Viva Art Gallery, Canaan Gallery, Royce Gallery, Mizel Museum, and in various exhibitions throughout the Denver Metro area. 

Artist Statement

I paint because I need to paint. My tools are paper, pencils, children's finger paints, and India ink. There is always a distance between how I want my painting to look and how it actually does. I paint because it makes me happy to be able to put the world that lives in my head on the piece of paper. I am not concerned with proportions, but with movement and colors. I am trying to paint music in my pictures. I am trying to freeze a moment.



Web developer by day, artist by night, Elana enjoys drawing, painting, and making crafts as gifts. She is also the assistant to the manager at Mooshy & Co., a delightful webcomic about squirrels and monkeys. You can find Mooshy and Co. merchandise here.